People believe so many things
They find many answers to a simple query
What happens afterlife
Some say
the soul is always alive...
And has
to come by
I don’t have to grieve
'Coz I believe
Life is an endless highway
You had set out for such a long tour
And somewhere along the line
You had to detour
Or wander faraway
Or wander faraway
The traces of your footsteps are gone
But not on the sands of time
imprints can't be withdrawn
imprints can't be withdrawn
You have lost touch with me and humanity
May be you had a loss of memory
I need to find you some how
May be you don’t miss me now
But some day
You will be home bound
Or maybe you are waiting to be found
I don’t know how?
But this is my stand
You must be somewhere
In the middle of nowhere
In a place like never land
In deep forest shores and desert sands
Waiting to track your steps back
And land on familiar grounds
Sights and sounds
And here I stand
Waiting to hold your hands!
That's is some real good stuff...