Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Colors change
With varying emotional range
When you blush
A sheepish pink
You fail to blink
You fear and wonder
Whether to turn black as thunder
Or go white with fright
Or stay peaceful calm
And save from harm
Whether you choose to be craven yellow,
Sunny warm or sallow
You feel the blood rush
Through the vein
With the passionate flush
Of fiery red flame
Turn purple with pain
Or have the scarlet taint
When you get the blame
You choose your paint
Either grow mean with envy
To vent your spleen
Like the poison ivy
Or grow romantic green!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Child what’s on your mind?

You are one of a kind!

Little things make you glow with pride

When left to chance

You would only sing and dance!

Won’t you like to go on a mountain hike?

Or race on a bike

For an adventurous ride?

Seek and hide,

Or hunt for treasure

At your own pleasure?

Having a mud bath in rain

Doesn’t give you any pain!

You don’t bother what friends you gather

Have them from anywhere rather!

You don’t resent their past or present

Their color or valor!

You only can make light of a fierce fight

Your soul is a pure white feather

Fear not when you wander!

The wind is your teacher

You are watched by starry eyed ancestors in the sky

And guided by the fatherly sunlight and motherly moonlight

So frolic in the secret garden

Of a faraway land

Build castles in the wet sand

Wait for them to harden

Base your dreams on a solid ground!

Life is like a merry go round

You slip and fall

Only to rise and swing above all

With bold wings of desire

You will reach all things you aspire!



Saturday, July 13, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tricky Cloud

Clouds swim above us

Waiting to pour on us

When we are unaware

Clouds are in the air

They seem to play tricks on us

But we love the rain

Dripping on us

Singing in chorus

Spraying scent on a wet lane

Casting its dark shade

Over the sun and over the glade

Clouds thunder to make us wonder

When will the rain drum a tune for us?








Thursday, February 28, 2013